Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion on disabilities

Discussion on disabilities

Q Guardianship, which is established by the courts, is a legal tool that allows a person or entity to make decisions for another in instances such as incapacity or disability. Depending on the level of guardianship, persons with disabilities can be denied the right to vote. Do you believe that disabled individuals under guardianship should have the right to vote? Explain your reasoning.

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First of all, it should be kept in mind regarding the context that in a democratic nation, every individual should have the privilege or the right to vote and provide their perspective regarding any elective selection. The United States of America provides voting rights to every citizen though not every free citizen in this nation can give vote unfortunately. Under the federal law, the nation has set most of the restrictions on the right of voting. According to the Federal voting right act, all those individuals with mental incapacity cannot vote.